Transverse Profile From Data#

This class allows the user to import an experimentally measured transverse profile into lasy

class lasy.profiles.transverse.TransverseProfileFromData(intensity_data, lo, hi, center_data=True)[source]#

Class for transverse laser profile.

Created using data from an experimental measurement or from the output of another code.

Uses user supplied data to define the transverse profile of the laser pulse.

The data must be supplied as a 2D numpy array of intensity values (for example an imported camera image from an experimental measurement).

In the case of experimental measurements, this data should already have some undergone some preprocessing such as background subtraction and noise removal.

The beam will be imported and automatically centered unless otherwise specified.

intensity_data2Darray of floats

The 2D transverse intensity profile of the laser pulse.

lo, hilist of scalars (in meters)

Lower and higher end of the physical domain of the data. One element per direction (in this case 2)

center_databool, optional

If true, the intensity data will be rolled to put the center of mass at the center of the image. It will also shift the x and y data axes such that (x,y) = (0,0) is also located at the center of the image. Default is True